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There's a Tear in My Beer  

No, I promise, I’m not channeling Hank Williams, Jr.!    

It is strategic planning season and I’m reflecting on some of my favorite client memories. A few years ago, I worked with Everybody’s Brewing on some long term planning. They set a target on their milestone timeline to: “Get Everybody’s beer in a can.”  This strategy would not only allow for much greater distribution beyond their immediate community, but would help them grow and move closer to their vision of putting little old White Salmon, Washington on the world map.

Fast forward to the next year:  I was visiting another client in Portland and we went to lunch. In the fridge at the deli, right before me, I saw Everybody’s Beer in a can! My eyes immediately filled with tears. The client I was with noticed my reaction and said, “Wow, I guess you really love that beer.” Sure, I do, but my tears were tears of work-joy. I was so proud of them! They did it!   

This made me realize I’ve had a lot of tears of work-joy since starting my own business. It was wonderful confirmation that I am absolutely doing the work I was meant to do. I truly love my clients and love helping them achieve their life and business dreams.

My mission is to build capacity in leaders and teams through and for business success.  It is incredibly rewarding to watch my clients grow as people, and see their personal growth drive their business growth. It is the why behind what I do.  If you are working on your strategic plan, and specifically your mission, I encourage you to think beyond what you do (like for me it is coaching, training, facilitation) and get really clear on why you’re doing it. Once you understand and are able to easily communicate why you do what you do, decisions become clear for opportunities you are considering.